Why Having A Gym Community Is So Important (And Profitable!)?

Blog - Why Having A Gym Community Is So Important (And Profitable!)

Approximately 32 per cent of Australians have a gym membership. However, 50 per cent of these members attend that gym less than once a week.

What’s the secret to getting people to use their gym memberships more frequently? For many, it’s to feel that they belong to a community.

Creating a sense of community at your gym helps people get more out of their memberships, brings them closer to their fitness goals, and encourages long-term loyalty.

In this guide, you’ll learn more about the importance of fostering a sense of community at your gym. You’ll also discover several practical community-building tips you can start implementing today.

Benefits of a Strong Gym Community

There are lots of reasons to prioritise community-building at your gym. The following are some of the most significant benefits you, your staff, and your members will experience:

Increased Member Engagement

If people feel connected to a community when they go to the gym, they’ll do more than just check-in, do their workout, and check out.

A sense of community encourages people to participate in gym activities and connect with fellow members and gym employees. They will get more out of their gym membership, which increases the likelihood that they’ll keep it long-term.

Increased Loyalty

Engaged gym members are loyal gym members. They’re more likely to keep their memberships active and use them consistently.

As a business owner, you know it’s more expensive to attract new customers than retain existing ones. Building loyalty and retaining current gym members can save a lot of money on your advertising efforts.

Increased Revenue-Generating Opportunities

In addition to saving money on advertising, creating community at your gym also gives you more opportunities to generate revenue.

For example, say people have strong friendships with their fellow gym members. In that case, they’ll likely spend more time at the gym.

They may also be more willing to invest in other offerings, such as buying a protein shake at the cafe so they can chat when they’re done exercising.

Improved Reputation and Marketing Efforts

When people are looking for a gym or fitness centre to join, they often take a tour of the facility or look it up online to see what past and current members have to say about it.

If you’ve built a strong sense of community at your gym, your members will do a lot of free marketing for you. They’ll post positive reviews online or share posts on social media talking about how much they love working out at your facility.

These positive reviews and posts will bolster your gym’s reputation and get more people interested in joining — without you spending a dime on marketing or advertising.

More Opportunities to Make a Difference

When you’ve created a community of loyal members who have strong relationships with each other, your staff, and you, you have more opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives.

Many fitness industry professionals want to help others and support them on their health and wellness journeys. By fostering a sense of community, you can keep your members motivated, offer ongoing support, and help them see results.

More Opportunities to Make a Difference

Community-Building Tips

To experience the benefits mentioned above, you must start building a strong sense of community at your gym. Here are some tips that can help you make that happen:

Review Brand Basics

The first step to building community is understanding your brand. What separates your gym from others in the area?

Clarify your mission statement and values. Then, look for ways to incorporate them into your marketing strategy and everyday operations at your facility.

When you’re clear about your values, you’ll attract others who share them and will be on your way to creating a community.

Get to Know Your Members

In addition to attracting new members who share your values, focus on connecting with your current members.

If people have relationships with you and your staff, they’ll be more likely to feel that they’re part of a community. As a result, they’ll show up regularly, participate in classes and other events, and maintain their memberships (or possibly even upgrade them).

Focus on Member Engagement

Look for ways to encourage more engagement and participation from your members.

For example, host workshops or classes about essential fitness and nutrition principles. You can also offer more group classes or a new member onboarding program.

Provide More Value

Focus on other ways to provide value to your members, too. Consider adding a blog to your website and regularly posting content — such as nutrition tips, exercise demonstrations, workout samples, and interviews with staff members.

You can also branch out into other types of content, such as videos or podcasts, to further connect with your members, build your brand, and offer more value.

Establish an Online Presence

Speaking of blogs and videos, if your gym doesn’t already have an online presence, it’s time to establish one. Invest in a website with a blog, for starters, and create profiles on popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter.

Many people start their search for a new gym or fitness centre online. If they don’t see your facility mentioned anywhere, they’ll be less likely to choose it.

Use a Member Management System

Member management systems can help you increase member engagement. These tools offer valuable features like payment processors, lead management tools, and online booking options.

With robust management software, you can run your gym more smoothly, gather essential data, and find new ways to connect with your members.

For example, say you notice that your 7 pm yoga class is always full. You might decide to add another evening class to accommodate more members and offer new ways for them to get to know each other.

Thinking About Starting A Gym?

From more marketing opportunities to greater member loyalty and revenue, a strong gym community offers many benefits. Follow the guidelines discussed above to create a sense of community among your customers.

Do you need more help setting up a successful gym or fitness centre? Here at Stepz Fitness, we set our franchisee owners up with all the tools to succeed — including tools to help you build a gym community.

Check out some of our other tips, or get in touch today to learn more.


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