How To Make $200,000 Pass With A Gym From Scratch

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Important: Read This First

What you’re about to read in this report has taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears to learn. It required taking risks and finding inner courage.

Everything in here comes from my direct experience of transitioning from PT to Gym owner and finally becoming a Franchisor.

In the process, I’ve been able to build a $200,000 passive income from owning gyms. If that sounds like a big claim, keep reading.

You’re reading this report because you’re already a successful PT, but it’s left you exhausted and frustrated. You’re reading this because you want to take the next step and become a full-blown gym owner.

You don’t want to be working 60-hour weeks for the rest of your life. You don’t want to be starting work at 5am and finishing at 9pm. No matter how much you love what you do, it takes its toll. You may be looking for a more consistent and recurring income like I was. Or looking to stop trading time for money.

In the following pages, I’m going to reveal something incredibly important – and it will be the most important thing you read all year in terms of finally starting a gym, building your income and working le

Part #1: How Did I Do This

The biggest reason most PTs never achieve their dream of owning a gym is not that they lack motivation and hard work, but because they lack the crucial knowledge and the courage to take the next step.

But when you finally take that step, you will achieve a level of freedom, which until now was only available in your dreams.

So if the biggest thing standing in your way from achieving your dreams is knowledge, why not learn from someone who has been there and done that?

Well, that’s exactly what this is all about. Here is my story in all its glory.

This is what I’ve personally done to go from an overworked PT who couldn’t see the end of the tunnel, to a gym owner who can take as many holidays as he wants without a loss in income.

I’m not telling you this to impress you, but rather to impress upon you what is possible.

You see if you’re part of the top 10% of PTs in Australia, there’s absolutely no reason you can’t own your dream gym.

Everything’s possible for those who dream.

A Passion For Fitness

Ever since I can remember, I’ve had an enormous passion for health and fitness.

Going back to primary school I was overweight and this led to bullying and comments about my weight. So I decided to change this and turned my life around through health and fitness. This is when I found my passion.

Whether it was running cross country, competing in school sports or just seeing which one of the boys could do the most pushups, the competition was fun; it was fierce; it was the ultimate proving ground.

This love of competition, of always wanting to be the best, quickly led to an interest in health and fitness.

I still remember my under 15s Rugby coach giving us this very serious lecture:

Every single one of you has the ability to be one of the best footballers this country has ever seen. Sure, some kids may have more talent, but it’s not talent that will take you all the way. It comes down to how badly you want it. How hard are you going to train? Are you eating McDonalds or meat and veggies? Are doing extra running? Could you be doing more strength work outside of training? These are the questions that will ultimately determine your future.”

Some will say that was a little too serious for a group of 14-year-olds to hear. But I disagree. The fact our coach pushed us and didn’t accept excuses is what led us to 3 consecutive premierships.

Not because we were the most talented.

But because we worked the hardest.

Because we were fitter and stronger, we had more energy at halftime than the opposition had at the start of the match.

There was an obvious correlation between how fit our team was, to how successful we were.

This had a huge impact on me.

The fitter you are, the more you enjoy life. That’s what I thought.

It’s what led me to absolutely love being fit. The feeling of working out, of beating a PB, the sore muscles every night - I couldn’t get enough.

A passion for fitness

Everyone Faces Huge Hurdles

By the time I turned 15 the dream of becoming a playing rugby at the highest levels actually seemed like a reality.

I was playing representative rugby with Queensland’s best payers.

Everything was looking great.

Until one day at the semifinal when I was 15, I was tackled by an opposition player onto the ruck and broke my back in 3 places. If that wasn’t enough I also fractured a rib.

As it turns out, I was close to being paralysed.

This injury made me realise I would stop playing rugby once I left school

This sent huge shockwaves through my heart.

The idea that my dreams would never come true (and not because I lacked the motivation or the hard work, but because of a stupid training incident) ultimately crushed me.

I’m not afraid to admit that I cried. Missing out on all your hopes and dreams is far more painful than any physical sports injury you can get.

But now looking back, it taught me that life could be a bitch. It can let you get so close and then completely knock you back down to earth.

So many of us don’t achieve all we can in life because we don’t try hard enough… because we don’t take enough risks… because we don’t learn enough.

Yet sometimes it’s completely out of our control.

I made a decision at this point that whatever I tried next, I would give it even more.

Sure I gave my Rugby ambitions 100%. There’s not much more I could have done. But there’re so many people out there who fail themselves, who let themselves down.

Whatever path I was going to take, I was never going to let myself be the reason for not reaching the highest level.

I think this distinction has been one of the greatest catalysts for my success.

Everyone faces huge hurdles

Becoming a PT

After dusting myself off, losing the weight I gained due to the injury, and getting my act together, becoming a personal trainer was the obvious next step.

It was something I was incredibly passionate about. I knew more than 99% of personal training is about getting into shape. It was something I could sink my teeth into and attack 100%.

But overall it was something that I would enjoy.

The idea of helping other people get their act together and get into shape really stood out.

Within 5 weeks I had gotten my Cert IV in Fitness and was ready to go.

I didn’t waste any time. Once the decision was made to become a PT, I just went and did it. I didn’t ask questions. I didn’t dilly dally. I just went and did it.

Not once did the thought of “how will I get clients?” cross my mind. I didn’t even think about it. They said “As a personal trainer you will be able to make $100,000 a year”, and I just went “Okay”. No questions… just going with the flow.

Wow. What a load of rubbish.

So many PTs get roped in with this “Make $100,000 as a PT!” story and then end up incredibly disappointed.

  • How am I supposed to get clients?

  • How do I manage the clients?

  • How do I get referrals?

  • How do I keep the clients?

  • How many clients do I need?

These are all questions that were never answered. They just give you the qualifications and then throw you into the deep end.

From what I saw, over 30% of people who get their certification to become a personal trainer never even got their first client.

Maybe because it was too hard or they were too weak - who knows?

The funny thing about this industry is the extreme level of competition.

Because it attracts those who love health and fitness, most of us are highly competitive.

So if you lack that competitive bone and you lack the desire to be the best there is, there’s a good chance you’ll sink rather than swim.

Another 40% of people go out into the big bad world, get a few clients but ultimately give up… simply because they’re not making enough money.

They put in some effort to try and get clients, but it’s all too hard - too hard to get the clients, keep them and make enough money to live.

These guys end up choosing a different career and different job. The common thread with these guys is that they’ll tell you they “chose” not to be a PT.

Which is pretty funny. It’s not that they “chose” not to be a PT; the industry chose them to leave. The industry didn’t supply them with enough clients. They didn’t have the work ethic.

The remaining 30% are the ones who get the clients and make a living. So if you’ve been a PT for more than 2 years and still service clients, Congratulations. You’re already in the top 30%.

But it’s only the top 5-10% of us who really make any money.

This was something I quickly realized so I made it my goal to become part of that top 10%.

Become a PT

The Path To The Top

At the time, one of my closest friends was a trainer working out of a Fitness First franchise not far from my home.

No one at this gym was on a salary. In fact, it was the opposite. You had to pay $300 a week just for the right to use the facilities with your clients - of which I had none!

Right off the bat, I needed 3 sessions a week just to break even, to avoid losing money.

But where on earth was I supposed to get clients from? I was never taught how to do this?

The first thing I did was reach out to my network - to everyone I knew.

I let everyone know I was now a personal trainer, and that I offered the first session free!

After about 100 text messages (which I’m sure greatly annoyed some people) and emails, I had 6 people come in for a free session.

Out of those 6 people, 3 kept coming back.

I had my first 3 clients to break even!

This was incredibly exciting. Even though in the back of my head they were already friends of mine, I didn’t care. A client is a client.

Now that the ice was broken, it was time to venture a little deeper and fill up my book.

My goal was to crack $100,000 total revenue, for which I needed to make $2,100 a week across 48 weeks of the year. At $60 a session, that’s 35 sessions a week, 7 sessions a day, 5 days a week.

If the clients were doing 2 sessions a week, that was about 18 clients I needed.

Get 18 clients over the next 30 days.

I had a goal… Bang… something to shoot for.

But where on earth was I going to get these clients from?

I sat down and listed 10 ways to get clients; everything from handing out flyers, networking, advertising on Google, and setting up advertising in local businesses.

But you know what worked the best? Where I got most of my first clients? Food courts in shopping centers.

That might sound ridiculous but it’s 100% true.

I made up a flyer that said something along the lines of:

“I’ll show you how to lose 10 kilos, get into shape and look sexy.

First 2 sessions completely free. Start losing weight before you have to pay a cent!

Call Sam on 04## ### ###!”

All I did was go around to all the people eating their fast food, waiting inlined, etc., and handed out these fliers.

I spoke to them and told them I was a personal trainer who specialised in helping women lose annoying fat and get into shape. I told them of my special 2 free classes deal, and that they could bring a friend.

Within 5 days I would have spoken to over 1,000 people.

Think about that for a second. How many PTs do you know who would go to so much effort… Who would go out in the tiny amount of spare time they had and hand out fliers like that?

Well, whilst it wasn’t the smartest way to get clients, I didn’t care.

I was prepared to do whatever it took.

I also made the move to a smaller gym where I would be the only PT a gym that resonated with me as it was non-intimidating and was more aligned with me. In 2010 I started at Stepz Fitness St Lucia.

Want to know what happened?

Before the end of my first month, I was doing more than 50 sessions a week!

Bang. No pussy-footing around. Just cold hard action. Within 30 days of joining Stepz Fitness as a personal trainer, I was making over $3,000 a week.

I was in the top 5% of personal trainers almost immediately.

And this begs the question; how much have you been prepared to hustle. Well, considering this report is for the top 10%, I’m assuming a lot.

Either that or you just worked a lot smarter than me.

If you work smarter - awesome. If you haven’t hustled or worked smart, and you’re not in the top 10%, what are you waiting for?

The path to the top

Stop Trading Time For Money

With an income equivalent of $150,000 a year, it’s pretty hard to be upset. Especially when you got there in only one month.

But as you would know, doing 50 sessions a week is EXTREMELY EXHAUSTING!

I was waking up at 4 am and go to sleep at 11 pm. From 5 am-9 am I would

work, then from 11 am-1 pm, and then again from 5 pm till 9 pm.

5 days a week I was absolutely exhausted.

In the beginning this was okay, but after only 5 months I started to get worn out.

Those are long hours.

The problem is that I was literally trading my time in return for an income. I couldn’t go on a 2-week holiday and still make money.

If I left for two weeks, my income stopped dead and I would probably lose a few clients.

I had trapped myself into my job.

Ughh. Just thinking about it now makes my spine tingle. When you’re working that hard, you eventually turn into a zombie.

I came to the realisation that I needed to make a change. I couldn’t continue like this.

I needed to change my business model. I needed to stop working hours in exchange for dollars.

Would I be able to do this for the next 10-15 years. No way!

Can you? If you’re in the top 10% and you’re working ridiculously hard, can you imagine doing this for the next 15 years?

Not at all. It’s too exhausting.

I tried many things to change this and failed at almost all of them.

I tried hiring other PTs to run my sessions, paying them $30 a session. But they were unreliable and it cost me clients.

I tried raising my prices and working with less people, but it didn’t solve

the time vs. money problem.

And then I realised something that changed my life:

As long as I was the key part of my business, I would never be able to escape it. I would always be permanently tied to it.

Being a personal trainer certainly has its limitations.

My horizons needed to be opened. I needed to shift away from just personal training.

The answer?

Owning a gym.

I realised that when you own a gym, it’s the equipment and space that makes you money. Whether it’s people paying for their memberships, or PTs paying to train their clients; you’re making money without doing the actual work.

On top of that, with a gym you’re building something you own… which is also something you can sell.

But how much money do you need to start a gym? How would you do it?

How much would it cost to run?

This was a much bigger decision than choosing to become a personal trainer.

At the same time, a guy I knew from Melbourne had tried to open his own gym.

He spent about $150,000 on equipment, signed a 12-month lease, hired staff, paid for membership software, and everything else that goes with opening a gym.

Want to guess what happened?

He failed miserably. He couldn’t get enough members to cover his overheads. He was losing money hand over fist.

On top of that, he was struggling with management; how to manage the books, manage the staff, and deal with the debt.

All of it got to him. It sent him crazy and he eventually sold the business for a $100,000 loss.

Whilst all of this crazy stuff was going down and my friend’s life was being turned inside out, I knew it was be different for me as I had a strong client base in Stepz Fitness St Lucia.

This gym was already very successful.

They were busy immediately. And on top of that, I knew that the guy who owned the gym knew nothing about fitness!

How crazy is that!?!?

On one side, my friend who was a champion personal trainer failed with his dream gym. Whilst a guy who knew nothing about fitness was able to start a gym and create huge amounts of cash.

I needed to find out what the difference was. Why did one fail and one succeed?

I couldn’t possibly open my own gym until I knew what was causing such different results.

So what do you do when you want to know something? You go and ask the actual people involved!

I marched right on down to that gym and asked to speak to the owner. But… low and behold, he wasn’t in.

“When do you think he’ll be in” I asked the woman at the front desk.

“Umm… he only comes in about once a week. Try next week on Tuesday.”

So I waited 5 days and went in again on Tuesday. Once again he wasn’t there. I went every day for the next 2 weeks and FINALLY, I managed the get a hold of him.

Want to know what I was thinking?

“How on earth does this guy have such a successful gym when he’s never even there?!”

This was amazing to me - the fact he could be making so much money from a gym whilst never being there when my friend went into his gym every day and couldn’t make it profitable.

When I finally asked him what his secret was, he told me something that changed my life. I literally went home, typed it up, printed it out, and stuck it on my wall.

He told me the story of Prospectors vs. Settlers…

Stop trading time for money

Prospectors vs. Settlers

When I spoke to the owner of this super successful gym, he told me about prospectors vs. settlers. Here’s what he said:

“You can either model something that works, or spend years struggling.

When the first “prospectors” went to America, they struggled. They

had to learn everything for themselves. They had to learn how to farm

the land. They had to set-up their own infrastructure, all on their own.

Tens of thousands died in the struggle.

Whilst the “settlers” who came 50-100 years later got the benefit of the prospectors trials and errors… they got to come in and use what was already done.

You can either go out on your own, trial and error HUNDREDS of different methods, all whilst you stress about money.

You can put together your own systems and marketing material, which takes years to get right.

You can try and choose your own location which, if you get wrong, will crush you.

You can try and learn how to hire, train and manage staff all on your own.


You can model a system that already works… use the same strategies that are responsible for millions of dollars and create huge amounts of wealth and freedom for yourself…

You can go and get the help from people who’ve already done the hard work for you.

Imagine being able to be immediately trained by people who’ve been there and done that.

Who’ve put in the time to build the systems, marketing and management systems.

Who know how to choose equipment, choose a location and make a gym successful.

That’s why I bought a franchise. They only make money when I make money. So they NEED me to be successful. And they make sure you are…”

This was a huge revelation for me.

You see, my friend from Melbourne tried to do everything on his own. He didn’t want the help. As a result, he failed.

Whilst this guy who knew nothing about fitness (he had a pot belly) was able start a successful gym right from the get-go, all because he went to the people who had been there and done that.

Now that I knew what made the difference, what separated the winners from the losers, I set out to start my own gym - and do it the smart way…

Pospectors vs Settlers

Buying My Gym

I needed to step away from trading my time for money.

It’s tiring, it’s exhausting, it’s deadly.

And owning a gym was the answer.

After seeing two people get completely different results when starting a gym and identifying what made the difference, a franchise was the way to go.

To be honest, before all of this happened, if someone had said “just go buy

into a franchise” I would have told them they’re nuts.

The idea of owning a franchise didn’t appeal to me.

But after seeing this guy invest in a franchise, and make ridiculous amounts of money working one day a week, it was obviously the right choice.

You just can’t compare having a company that understands the industry better than anyone else and having a vested interest in your results. There’s literally no comparison.

So I set out to compare different franchise opportunities and make my pick.

And let me tell you…

Not all franchises are created equal.

I was shocked and appalled at the low level of professionalism some companies had.

To put this into perspective; you want a company that makes money when you make money. This means that they need and want you to succeed.

Essentially, you use their branding, their materials. They help you choose a location, they train you up, give you their systems. Everything. And then they either take a small % of profits, or for every direct debit you do.

Now, this is what you want… for obvious reasons.

But some companies out there are happy to charge you up to a $100,000 fee for the right to use their branding, and then don’t help you at all!

They couldn’t care less whether you’re successful or not. They make their $100,000 upfront, and then there’s no incentive for them to help you.

That’s a terrible situation to be in.

You need the company to receive financial benefits for helping you succeed.

The companies I looked into were:

• Fitness First
• Anytime Fitness
• Jetts Fitness
• Stepz Fitness
• Zap Fitness
• Snap fitness
• Plus Fitness

And one stood out above the rest. They provided more training. They had better systems. They had a much better track record. And most importantly, they were set up to make money when I made money.

This gym was Stepz Fitness - which coincidentally was the same company the super successful guy went with.

I wish I could sit here and say my success was all my own, but working with Stepz was definitely the catalyst for having a successful gym.

When I initially spoke to them, they were more organized and knew what

they were doing more than any of the others.

Possibly because they’re smaller, they are more hands-on. I got to regularly speak with the owner of the entire company.

With Anytime Fitness, I wasn’t “allowed” to speak to the owner. I had to speak with somebody who had never run a business in his life.

Stepz helped me choose a location, helped me fit out the gym, and gave me an enormous amount of training.

The investment was $175,000. That may sound like a lot, but we’re talking about starting a gym here. Getting into business. Making real money.

At this point, I’d been making good money at a PT for 3 years and had saved up a bit of cash. But with Stepz, they were able to help me get the equipment on a really low-interest loan, which helped out enormously.

Within 6 months I had spent 7 days training with them, gone through their online training as well, learnt how to market a gym, run a gym, hire staff, lay everything out. Everything I could possibly need to know, I got. And the gym was ready to open.

But the thing that made the biggest impact was the marketing help. When the gym opened it got 200 members within the first month. On top of that, I transferred all my personal training clients over and was still working with them.

Ultimately, I was making a profit immediately. My workload went up to begin with (only because I chose to continue working with my clients), but then quickly went down.

It didn’t take long for new PTs to come and pay to work out of the gym. On top of that, Stepz taught me that I could sell my personal clients (well not selling them like a property, but selling the money I made from them).

What that meant was that I could charge $400 for every one of my clients who started working with the new PTs from the gym.

I was quickly able to make $12,000, whilst cutting my workload dramatically!

All of a sudden I was only working 20-30 hours a week, and making more money than before!

Buying my gym

Ultimate Success

Now, I make over $200,000 a year (the money I pay myself out of the business), and can do whatever I want.

I can sleep in and have other people running the gym. I can go on a holiday and make money whilst relaxing on the beach.

I have plans to do a whole lot more travel and open up another gym.

All I pay Stepz now is a measly $1 per direct debit transaction - which means I’m only paying Stepz when my clients are paying me. What a win/win situation!

You can make this sort of change in your life too. You can go out and start your own dream gym, stop working so hard and get your life back.

All you need is some courage, hard work, and a plan that will work.

I cannot stress enough that going to people who’ve been there and done that will ultimately be the difference between your success and failure.

And I couldn’t recommend Stepz enough.

In part 2 of this report, I’ll be answering some of the most important questions when it comes to starting your own gym…

Part #2: Things you need to know

There are some things that aren’t an option to think about. They’re a necessity.

I’m going to cover here some of the biggest questions people have about starting your dream gym. Hopefully, it can give you some clarity so that you can take that next step and dramatically improve your life.

Would I Be A Good Gym Owner?

Now, whether you like it or not, some people are meant to own gyms and some people aren’t.

And that goes with any type of business really. Some people should be in business, others shouldn’t.

If your gym is successful, your entire life will be incredible. You will be working less, and making more.

Imagine being able to sleep in and come into work whenever you please.

Imagine being able to go on holidays and still be making $4k a week.

Imagine the type of freedom that would give you. What would you do with it?

Invest in property? Travel the world? Start another gym?

Now, of course, you still need to work. You still need to manage staff, look at the numbers, continue to do marketing, and always be improving.

But it’s a dramatic change from working 60-70 hours a week as a personal trainer, with almost no free time to yourself.

On the flip side, if your gym is a failure, it will cripple you.

You’ll lose money, you’ll be depressed, you’ll be embarrassed.

Watching my friend fail with his gym in Melbourne, and the consequential tailspin his life went into was painful.

So if you’re going to open a gym, you’ve got to be sure you’re the type of person who can be successful with it.

If you’re starting your own gym without franchising, I would say you need to be incredibly business smart.

But if you’re going with a franchise, there’s only one quality you need.

Hardworking hustler.

If you are a successful personal trainer, there’s no doubt you can be a successful gym owner.

They go together so perfectly (as long as you get the help from the right people).

But if you’re a PT who never hustled, never got any clients and essentially went broke… then DO NOT start a gym. You’re not ready.

Until you are able to work hard, get clients and be a successful PT, you’ll never be able to start a gym.

Learn to hustle and get clients, and THEN start a gym. Unless you have tons of cash and are already business savvy, don’t do it.

Would I be a good gym owner?

Should You Franchise?

The next biggest question people ask me is “Should I open with a franchise?”

And my answer is always the same.

Why would you want to trial and error, and risk your entire business on unproven methods, when you can start a business with a company who NEEDS you to be successful?

Why make everything in your life harder?

Sure, if you’re already a business genius, you could do it on your own. But my guess is you haven’t already made millions of dollars through business. And if that’s the case, a franchise will undoubtedly secure your success.

Here are some of the biggest benefits of buying a franchise according to (source:

1. Track Record of Success

a. Any good franchise company has developed a method of doing business that works well and produces successful results. Even better, they're required to provide you with a great deal of information in their required disclosures so you can investigate and verify the results with existing franchisees prior to making your final decision.

2. Strong Brand

a. One of the biggest advantages of franchising is that the company is building a brand on a regional or national basis that should have value in the eyes of customers you're trying to attract.

3. Training Programs

a. A good franchise company has training programs designed to bring you up to speed on the most successful methods to run the business. They should also have reference materials to assist you in dealing with whatever comes up while you're running your business.

4. Ongoing Operational Support

a. Franchise companies have staff dedicated to providing ongoing assistance to franchisees. You're not alone when you're building and running your business, and you can always call on experienced people when you hit a rough spot or want to share new ideas for growing the business.

5. Marketing Assistance

a. The franchise company has marketing assistance to provide you with proven tools and strategies for attracting and retaining customers. Usually, the staff help you develop the actual marketing plans and budgets for your grand opening as well as your ongoing efforts to market your business effectively.

6. Real Estate Assistance

a. Most franchises have manuals and other documentation, as well as staff, to help you find the right site and negotiate the best possible deal on your site. This is a very important advantage that can hold costs down and provide the best possible chance of success in any site-driven business.

7. Construction Assistance

a. Franchise companies can also provide a wonderful benefit in helping you design the layout of the business and select the right contractors to do your build-out, as well as making sure you get the exact mix of furniture and equipment you need to maximize the efficiency of your initial investment.

8. Purchasing Power

a. A good franchise can take advantage of the buying power of the entire system to negotiate prices for everything you need at significantly lower levels than you could achieve as an independent operator. This applies not only to initial furniture and equipment purchases, but also to the supplies, inventory, uniforms, and everything else you'll need on an ongoing basis.

9. Risk Avoidance

a. This one is so important that we'll call it both 9 and 10! The biggest reason to buy a franchise is that, if you're smart, it will help you avoid much of the risk of starting a new business. Make no mistake--you have to do your due diligence, but if you do, you can determine with a fair amount of certainty what happens if you become a new franchisee.

Once again I ask. Why do all of this yourself when you can get help from the best?

Should you franchise

How Much Do You Need?

You can get started with your very own gym with as little as between $150,000 to $200,000. Obviously the bigger the gym you want, the more you need.

However, I can tell you from experience that size does NOT equate to profit. The bigger the space, the bigger the overheads.

Why increase your overheads when you can stay small and nimble?

With between $150,000 to $200,000 you can get started with all equipment, security systems, aesthetic fit-outs, signage, marketing, and all the training you need.

With that, you can support up to 850 members - the equivalent of about $700,000 a year income.

Now I’m nowhere near capacity with my gym. In fact, we’re only at 60%, but it continues to grow. I cannot wait to hit 100% capacity and be making $500K profit a year!

If you don’t have that sort of cash available, don’t worry. There are so many ways around it.

Anything from financing the gym, financing the equipment, or companies like Stepz will even match you up with investors or other PTs to bring the individual costs down.

The most important thing is making the decision to follow your dreams.

Part #3: Conclusion

At the end of the day, anyone can make a great income with a gym.

The world, and Australia in particular, is going through a massive health swing at the moment.

People are more aware than ever about the consequences of being unhealthy.

In fact, over $900 Million will be spent on gym memberships in 2015-2016. And this will increase by over $1 Billion in 2018-2019. $1 Billion just in Australia!

Wouldn’t you like a slice of that pie?

As long as you’re a hard worker and have already achieved results as a PT, owning a gym is the next step.

I cannot recommend Stepz fitness enough if you decide to go down the franchise option.

I don’t get anything out of recommending them, other than the pleasure of knowing they helped me become so successful.

Really, without them, I would have failed miserably.

If you’re interested in finding out more about them, go here: Stepz Franchise Systems


Thanks for reading my report, and good luck with following your dream! This article was posted sometime ago and I have since become a franchisor. More to come on that later. On a side-note, please know that my story is unique to me. Whilst I can give you all the tools there is no guarantee you will replicate what I did. Please speak to you advisors and make you own calculations and assumptions before buying or owning a gym.


How To Sign Up More Members At Your Gym (Proven Strategies)


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